Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

As Arıkan, we aim to create a human-friendly Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy that is compatible with our business ethics and values, within the framework of human rights and freedoms, and that will ensure the satisfaction of all our stakeholders (customers, employees, suppliers, visitors, interns, etc.) and to instill corporate social responsibility in future generations
Corporate Social Responsibility principles have been established
1- We respect and trust people.
Our management approach is based on “respect for people”. By saying “People First”, we respect people in all our business processes and relationships, make every effort to understand each other, take responsibility and do our best to establish mutual trust. We believe that we all have the right to speak and be informed on every issue that concerns us.
2- We comply with legal regulations and other conditions.
We comply with the legal obligations in force in the world and in our country regarding our Corporate Social Responsibility dimensions and fulfill the demands of our parties and stakeholders regarding Corporate Social Responsibility.
3- We work with the principle of honesty and integrity.
We act in accordance with the principles of honesty and integrity in all our activities, and we take care to fully use and protect these principles together with all our stakeholders.
4- We do not employ child labor or young workers. As a Social Responsibility, we give priority to interns who do their internships in our institution
Since our interns are aware of and embrace our corporate social responsibilities, we adopt post-internship employment as a way of working. We do not employ child labor in all our work. We comply with world and local employment age requirements and laws.
5- We ensure confidentiality in the protection of personal and company data.
As Arıkan, we take care to protect confidentiality and private information, information that may create a competitive disadvantage, trade secrets, financial and other information that has not yet been disclosed to the public, within the framework of "confidentiality agreements" concluded with third parties, information regarding personnel personal rights and third parties.
6- In case of conflict of interest, we take company interests into consideration.
In all activities of employees, we do not enter into business relationships that provide mutual or unilateral benefits with family members, friends or third parties.
7- We stand against all kinds of discrimination by providing a fair working environment. We offer equal opportunities to all our employees
Arikan considers creating and maintaining a fair work environment for its employees as one of its top priorities. Arikan is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on age, race, creed, skin color, gender, language, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation, seniority, political affiliation, military status, actual or perceived disability or handicap, religion or other legally protected characteristics. We apply this policy to all terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leave, compensation and training.
8- We ensure diversity, equality and participation
Arıkan is an equal opportunity employer. It offers a working environment with appropriate conditions without any discrimination based on age, race, belief, skin color, gender, language, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation, seniority, political views, military status, actual or perceived disability or disability, religion or other criteria. It is aware that everyone should participate in the social and working environment.
9- We are a workplace free of harassment
Harassment of any kind is not tolerated by Arikan. All such discrimination is against the law and those present at Arikan event venues are prohibited from engaging in such behavior.
10- We encourage working in accordance with our Corporate Social Responsibilities through education and awareness channels
With continuous training and communication channels; We ensure that Arıkan Corporate Social Responsibility Rules are transformed into a corporate culture and adopted by our stakeholders by internalizing the Corporate Social Responsibility policies and rules by receiving the support of our employees, individuals, organizations and the people of the region we work with.
11- We work with the principle of continuous improvement.
Our company works continuously to ensure ethical reorganization. In this context, we regularly review ethical principles and practices. While carrying out all these activities, we work with the principle of continuous improvement for the complete implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility policy and Corporate Social Responsibility rules within the framework of human rights and freedoms. We ensure the participation of all our employees in continuous improvement processes with the Suggestion System. We try to disseminate and continuously improve the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, and we act innovatively and openly. Regardless of time, place and person, we act in accordance with our Corporate Social Responsibilities worthy of the name Arıkan.
12- We pay salaries (wages) and fringe benefits in accordance with the law.
All employees' salaries and fringe benefits are calculated taking into account the laws and paid by depositing them into bank accounts.
13- We work in accordance with local law regulations during our working hours.
We work 45 hours a week and 3 shifts in accordance with the conditions and obligations specified in the Labor Law and relevant legislation.
14- We do not employ forced labor. We are against all forms of human trafficking.
We do not exploit human labor in any way through forced or modern slavery (i.e. slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor and human trafficking). We do not employ illegal workers or uninsured workers and we do not trade with companies that operate in this way.
15- We recognize and value the importance of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining.
We respect the freedom of association of all our employees. It is completely legal and in accordance with our company policy for our employees to participate in freedom of association and collective bargaining activities as they wish, if requested.
16- Occupational Health and Safety is our first priority.
We provide all our employees with a healthy and safe work environment that meets applicable standards regarding occupational health and safety. We work in accordance with international and national laws. We provide private or, when necessary, public security forces in line with legal obligations for the safety of our employees.
17- We protect and value land, forest and water rights.
We provide our employees with a clean, healthy and safe working environment by not polluting soil and water in all our work areas as environmentally friendly. We carry out our activities in line with our international and national legal obligations.
We expect our Automotive Industry Supply Chain to fulfill its sustainability responsibilities in order to reduce the impact time of the sustainability footprint of our products
The most important environmental responsibilities to consider when evaluating our business operations include:
• Legal obligations,
• Reducing energy consumption and ensuring energy efficiency,
• Increasing air quality, reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
• Reducing carbon footprint,
• Reducing water consumption and improving water quality,
• More use of renewable energy,
• Management of sustainable resources,
• Reducing waste management in line with our energy and environment policy,
• Conducting environmental measurements,
• Training of employees and suppliers,
• Encouraging suppliers to obtain IS0 14001 certification or comply with its standards,
Ahmet ARIKAN - General Manager